Tuesday, May 26, 2009

always the same

Yesterday, in his message on enduring love, Brian talked about Jesus always being the same. In a world of changes, it is good to know that He doesn't change. I couldn't help but think that in our pursuit to become more Christ-like, we could add this to what we would like to become. More "the same" and less "emotionally high and low." If God tells us to be like He is, then it is good to be stable, not changing our minds constantly and being tossed about in our all of our ways. I strive to be even tempered. I see some people who are high on life one day, talking about how God speaks personally to them, and on another day, hot tempered or depressed. Now, I am a person who likes change. I do not like things that lack excellence; and I enjoy making things better. However, if we are talking about our emotions and our responses, as we seek maturity, striving to remain "the same" can be a good thing!

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog and love it! Your family pics are great too! I'm a women transitioning into full-time ministry & have a heart for church planting also--check my blog & you can get the story (easier than writing it here!)Added you to my bloglines...


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