Thursday, July 30, 2009

pool-side chat

I had a chance to talk with a couple friends at the pool a few days ago. They and their husbands had read my blog and were interested in the other side of the coin--HOW HUSBANDS CAN ALSO HELP GUARD OUR MARRIAGES. We had a great conversation. So here are my thoughts:

Women are RESPONDERS. We usually respond to our husbands. That means that if our men treat us with respect and love, good things follow. If women feel unappreciated, unattractive, and unimportant they most likely will react to that as well. Should we be wonderful wives, responding positively even if we are not getting all we need to fill us up? Probably, but in many cases, that is not going to happen. Men, if you want your wife to be a happy woman, who is concerned about your desires, takes care of herself, is peaceful and loves you as you grow old, then treat her with respect. Tell her she is absolutely beautiful and make her feel secure by letting her know she is the only woman for you.

HAVE FUN. Women are grown up girls. We still like to have fun. Men, invest in fun, make her laugh; and she will remember why she fell in love with you. :)

Pray. God can do amazing things. He is in the business of restoring relationships and giving us an abundant married life!

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