Monday, March 15, 2010


oh my gosh! i am so excited about a stain remover! that is very sad, isn't it!? ok, i am the worst stain remover ever. when my boys were little and i couldn't get a stain out of their clothes, i just threw them away. now they both play baseball, and guess what color their baseball pants are? white :) i have tried everything, but this week, some baseball moms recommended FELS-NAPTHA. it is a 100 year old bar of soap that you find in the laundry aisle and rub on stains. wet the clothes first. rub lots of the soap bar on the stain and wash! i really wish i had a before and after picture. it was amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this little tidbit! I have three little boys and two of them just started playing baseball. I love it but it really has taken my laundry to whole new level. :)This will really help! Kristen


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