Sunday, June 13, 2010

thoughts on RUSH CAMP

Did you know that 80% of people who make decisions for Christ do so before they are 18? That is why RUSH camp in unbelievably valuable!

With a group of 470, I know there were some parents and grandparents at home praying not only for safety at the beach, but for God to do something powerful in the life of their teenager. Your kids were so much on our hearts and I want you to know that we were praying with you. God showed up in an incredible way. For those of you who do not get to be a part of it, I want you to know how powerful and life-changing camp was, and is every year! Not only is it a beach trip with a ton of fun, but God is glorified and worshipped; and students are quite transparent as they process truth from God's Word in a life-altering way.

Having your kids be AWAY FROM YOU for five days is one of the most healthy things you can do for them. It causes kids to have to make decisions for themselves, wear their own sunscreen--or they sunburn :) manage their own money, think about God and MAKE HIM THEIR OWN, manage their time, develop INSTANT FRIENDSHIPS, and think for themselves. Let your kids grow up. Send them to camp!!!


  1. My daughter Delaney lives in spalding county with her mom. When i approached her about Rush she responded "Dad i don't know anyone or have any friends at West Ridge". When she agreed to go to Rush i knew that it was a God thing. My daughter has returned home a different person. She made many friends and had a great time. It's amazing what God will do when we get out of His way and let Him handle things as only He can.

  2. Haha, I wish my mom would read this. It might persuade her to let me go somewhere with the church. I've been begging her to let me go to Brazil with the high school ministry, but she won't let me. :(


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